
mature英 [m??t???(r)] 美 [m??t??r; m??t?r]

adj. 成熟的,理智的;成年的,发育完全的;发酵成熟的,酿成的;中老年的;技艺精湛的,技巧娴熟的;审慎考虑的,深思熟虑的;到期(应该支付)的;(某些食品或饮料)可立即食用的;(经济,行业,市场)成熟的,发展余地不大的

v. (使)成熟,(使)长成;变理智,(举止)变成熟;酿成,制成;到期

[ 第三人称单数 matures 现在分词 maturing 过去式 matured 过去分词 matured 比较级 maturer或more mature 最高级 maturest或most mature ]


Victor Mature 维克多·迈彻 ; 维多·麦休 ; 维多 ; 麦休

mature stage 成熟期 ; 成熟阶段 ; 壮年期

Mature market 成熟市场 ; 成熟的市场

mature [ m?’tju? ]

v.develop and reach maturity; undergo maturation”He matured fast”

同义词: maturate grow

develop and work out fully in one’s mind”I need to mature my thoughts”

become due for repayment”These bonds mature in 2005″

cause to ripen or develop fully”Age matures a good wine”

同义词: ripen

grow old or older同义词: senesce age get on maturate

cause to ripen and discharge pus同义词: suppurate

adj.characteristic of maturity”mature for her age”

fully considered and perfected”mature plans”

同义词: matured

having reached full natural growth or development”a mature cell”

fully developed or matured and ready to be eaten or used”full-bodied mature wines”

同义词: ripe

(of birds) having developed feathers or plumage; often used in combination同义词: fledged

以上来源于: WordNet


mature /m??tj??, -?t???/ CET4 TEM4 ( maturing, matured, maturer, maturest, matures )

1. V-I When a child or young animal matures, it becomes an **. (小孩、幼崽) 发育成熟例:You will learn what to expect as your child matures physically.


2. V-I When something matures, it reaches a state of complete development. (某物) 长成

例:When the trees matured they were cut.


3. V-I If someone matures, they become more fully developed in their personality and emotional behaviour. 成熟

例:They have matured way beyond their age.


4. ADJ If you describe someone as mature, you think that they are fully developed and balanced in their personality and emotional behaviour. 成熟的 [表赞许]

例:They are emotionally mature and should behave responsibly.


5. V-T/V-I If something such as wine or cheese matures or is matured, it is left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop. 使酿熟; 酿成

例:Unlike wine, brandy matures only in wood, not glass.


6. ADJ Mature cheese or wine has been left for a time to allow its full flavour or strength to develop. 酿熟的

例:Grate some mature cheddar cheese.


7. V-I When an investment such as an insurance policy or bond matures, it reaches the stage when the company pays you back the money you have saved, and the interest your money has earned. (保险单、债券等) 到期 [商业]

例:These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years’ time.


8. ADJ If you say that someone is mature or of mature years, you are saying politely that they are middle-aged or old. 成年的 (中年和老年的礼貌说法) [礼貌]

例:…a man of mature

years who had been in the job for longer than most of the members could remember.



mature market 成熟的市场

mature stage 成熟期;产品生命成熟期

mature market economy 成熟的市场经济

mature embryo 成熟胚

mature ** 成熟的成年人

adj. [农学][地质]成熟的;充分考虑的;到期的;成年人的developed , ** , due

vi. [农学][地质]成熟;到期age , flower

词根: mature [m??t???(r)]

adj.matured 成熟的;到期的

adv.maturely 成熟地;充分地

n.maturity 成熟;到期;完备

maturation 成熟;化脓;生殖细胞之形成v.matured 成熟;到期(mature的过去分词)

vi.maturate 成熟;化脓

vt.maturate 成熟;化脓;使化脓

mature, ripe


mature 指生物完成了长生、发育的全过程或周期,表明已经成熟;也可指经周期、慎重考虑而制定的计划或作出的决定。

ripe 主要指水果、谷物和蔬菜等的成熟,也可引申作“时机成熟”解。

mature, age, develop, ripen

mature, **, grown-up

mature, ripe, **, grown-up


Jane is very mature for her age.


Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys.


Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work.


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