
□ arc [ɑ?k] n. 弧(度);弧形物;天穹;adj. 圆弧的;反三角函数的;vt. 形成电弧;走弧线;
□ barely [?be?li] adv. 仅仅,勉强;几乎不;公开地;贫乏地;
□ deficit [?def?s?t] n. 赤字;不足额;
□ distract [d??str?kt] vt. 转移;分心;
□ highlight [?ha?la?t] v. 突出;强调;使显著;加亮;着亮彩于(头发);n. 最精彩的部分;最重要的事情;强光部分;
□ rally [?r?li] v. 召集;(军队)重新**;n. 公众**;汽车拉力赛;往返拍击;止跌回升;竞赛;
□ pat [p?t] v. (用手掌)轻拍;轻拍……(使)成形;n. 轻拍;(松软材料的)一块;adj. 过于简易的;adv. 及时地,适时地;abbr. 专利权,专利证书(patent);
□ buck [b?k] n. (美)钱,元;雄鹿;纨绔子弟;v. (马)尥起后蹄跳跃;弓背四蹄跳起;猛然震荡;**;反抗;
□ mandate [?m?nde?t] n. 授权,委托;任期;命令,指令;v. 强制执行,颁布;授权,委任;命令,指示;
□ phoenix [?fi?n?ks] n. 凤凰;死而复生的人;
□ symbolize [?s?mb?la?z] vt. 象征;用符号表现;vi. 采用象征;
□ vaccine [?v?ksi?n] n. 疫苗;菌苗;adj. 疫苗的;菌苗的;
□ defense [d?’fens] n. 防卫,防护;防御措施;防守;vt. 谋划抵御;
□ vaccinate [?v?ks?ne?t] v. 给……接种疫苗;vt. 给…注射疫苗;
□ venue [?venju?] n.(活动的)场所;审判地(指郡或区);
□ halftime [,hɑ?f’ta?m] n. 中场休息;adj. 正常时间一半的;
□ middleton [?m?dlt?n] 米德尔顿(美国威斯康星州的一个城市);
□ franchise [?fr?nt?a?z] n. 特许经营权;获特许经营权的企业(商店);公民权,选举权;职业运动队;(由运动联合会授予的)会员运动队拥有权;特许经营品牌(或创意);v. 给予特许经销权;给予……公民权(或选举权);
□ brooklyn [?br?kl?n] n. 布鲁克林(美国纽约西南部的一区);
□ emerald [?em?r?ld] n. 绿宝石;翠绿色;adj. 鲜绿色的;
□ milwaukee [m?l?w??ki] n. (美国)密尔沃基;
□ playoff [?ple??f] n. 双方得分相等时的最后决赛;复赛;季后赛;
□ rebound [r??ba?nd] v. (球或其他运动物体)弹回,反弹;(价格、价值等下跌后)回升,反弹;n. (因挫折,危机,失恋)处于情绪波动的状态;(价格等)回升,反弹;(球)在回弹中;(尤指停药后病情的)复发;
□ playoff [?ple??f] n. 双方得分相等时的最后决赛;复赛;季后赛;
Bucks show rivals should ‘fear the deer’ again
Giannis Antetokounmpo and the Milwaukee Bucks didn’t let the celebration of the franchise’s first NBA championship in half a century distract them as they opened their title defense.
扬尼斯·安特托昆博和密尔沃基雄鹿队在开启卫冕战时没有让球队半个世纪以来的第一个 NBA 总冠军庆祝活动分散他们的注意力。
In his first game since scoring 50 points in a title-clinching Game 6 NBA Finals victory over the Phoenix Suns, Antetokounmpo had 32 points, 14 rebounds and seven assists to lead the Bucks to a 127-104 victory over the Brooklyn Nets on Tuesday night.
自从在总决赛第 6 场战胜菲尼克斯太阳队的比赛中得到 50 分后的第一场比赛中,阿德托昆博得到 32 分、14 个篮板和 7 次助攻,带领雄鹿队在周二晚上以 127-104 战胜布鲁克林篮网队.
“We’re part of history,” Antetokounmpo said. “I’m excited. But now it’s over with. We’ve got to focus on building good habits, keep moving forward and keep playing good basketball and hopefully we can repeat this again this year, next year and all the years that we’re going to be here down the road.”
“我们是历史的一部分,”阿德托昆博说。 “我很兴奋。但现在一切都结束了。我们必须专注于养成良好的习惯,继续前进并继续打出好篮球,希望我们能在今年、明年和我们所有的岁月里再次重复这一点。”我会在这条路上在这里。”
Khris Middleton and Pat Connaughton each added 20 points to help the Bucks withstand the loss of Jrue Holiday, who sat out the second half with a bruised right heel after scoring 12 points. Bucks coach Mike Budenholzer said MRI results on Holiday were encouraging.
克里斯·米德尔顿和帕特·康诺顿各得 20 分,帮助雄鹿队顶住了朱霍勒迪的失利,后者在得到 12 分后右脚跟受伤缺席了下半场。雄鹿队教练迈克·布登霍尔泽表示,假日的 MRI 结果令人鼓舞。
Kevin Durant led the Nets with 32 points and 11 rebounds. Patty Mills scored 21 points and shot 7 of 7 from 3-point range. James Harden added 20 points.
“We weren’t very good,” Brooklyn coach Steve Nash said. “If you’re not playing at a high level against the champs, you’re not going to win.”
“我们不是很好,”布鲁克林教练史蒂夫纳什说。 “如果你在对阵冠军的比赛中表现不佳,你就不会赢。”
The Nets were missing star guard Kyrie Irving, who isn’t with the team due to his refusal to get a COVID-19 vaccine.
网队缺少明星后卫凯里·欧文,他因拒绝接种 COVID-19 疫苗而没有加入球队。
A New York mandate requires professional athletes on local teams to be vaccinated to practice or play in public venues. Rather than using Irving exclusively in road games, the Nets decided he wouldn’t play or practice with them at all.
After receiving their rings, raising a banner and watching a highlight video of their first NBA championship since 1971, the Bucks defeated the team that nearly eliminated them in the second round of the playoffs. Antetokounmpo acknowledged that he teared up a little bit during the ceremony.
在拿到戒指、举起横幅并观看他们自 1971 年以来的第一个 NBA 总冠军的精彩视频后,雄鹿队在季后赛第二轮击败了几乎将他们淘汰的球队。 Antetokounmpo承认他在仪式上流下了一点眼泪。
“When they were playing those videos, you cannot help yourself but get emotional,” Antetokounmpo said. “Looking back to the journey, where we started from and where we are right now.”
“当他们播放这些视频时,你会情不自禁地情绪激动,”阿德托昆博说。 “回顾旅程,我们从哪里开始,我们现在在哪里。”
Milwaukee rallied from a 2-0 deficit and won Game 7 at Brooklyn in overtime after Durant’s foot barely crept across the 3-point arc in the final seconds of regulation, turning a potential series-winning 3-pointer into a game-tying 2-point basket.
密尔沃基队从 2-0 的逆差中恢复过来,并在加时赛中赢得了布鲁克林的第 7 场比赛,因为杜兰特的脚在规则的最后几秒几乎没有爬过三分线弧,将一个潜在的系列赛制胜三分球变成了扳平比分的 2 分。点篮。
The Bucks went on a 21-4 run in the first quarter to extend a 10-8 advantage to 31-12. They got the lead back up to 19 again in the second quarter and were ahead 66-59 at halftime. The lead never dropped below seven the rest of the way.
雄鹿队在第一节以 21-4 的比分将 10-8 的优势扩大到 31-12。他们在第二节再次将领先优势扩大到 19 分,并在半场结束时以 66-59 领先。在剩下的时间里,领先优势从未下降到七以下。
“We were climbing uphill all game,” Durant said.
Fancy rings
Milwaukee’s championship rings feature the popular fan slogan “Fear The Deer”. The rings have 360 diamonds on the top to represent the Bucks’ total wins under current ownership. There are 16 emerald-shape diamonds on each side, symbolizing their 16 playoff wins last season and their 16 division titles in franchise history.
密尔沃基的总冠军戒指上印有流行的球迷口号“Fear The Deer”。戒指顶部有 360 颗钻石,代表雄鹿队在当前所有权下的总胜利。每边有 16 颗祖母绿形钻石,象征着他们上赛季的 16 场季后赛胜利和他们在球队历史上的 16 次分区冠军。
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