
gogohands a look at the world, take you to see the whole world

项目名称 Project Name –万国福地·精酿酒吧
项目地点 Location –北京.五道街胡同
项目面积 Area –300m2
完工时间 Project Year –2022.12
▼轴测图,Axonometric drawing ?DAGA Architects
▼轴测室内空间分析图,Axonometric drawing of the interior ?DAGA Architects
现场实景Live action
▼项目概览,View of the yard ?UK STUDIO

▼基址概览, View of the site ?UK STUDIO
▼酒吧入口处,Entrance view ?UK STUDIO
▼酒吧入口灰空间,Entrancegrey space view ?UK STUDIO
▼通向内院的通道,Access to the inner courtyard ?UK STUDIO
▼从内部向入口处看,View from the inside towards the entrance ?UK STUDIO
▼从中庭向室内空间看,View from the atrium towards the interior ?UK STUDIO
▼庭院步道,The walkway in the garden ?UK STUDIO
▼由庭院看向室内,A view from the garden to the interior ?UK STUDIO
▼室内空间概览,Overview of the interior ?UK STUDIO
▼通透的室内空间,An airy interior space ?UK STUDIO
▼陈设空间,The display space ?UK STUDIO
▼陈设空间内家具近景,Close shot of the furniture at the display space ?UK STUDIO
▼吧台近景,Close shot of the bar ?UK STUDIO
▼小院鸟瞰图,Birdeye view of the courtyard ?UK STUDIO
▼从室内望向小院,View of the courtyard from the interior ?UK STUDIO
▼墙面细部,Close shot of the wall details ?UK STUDIO
▼木栅栏门细部,Close shot of the wooden fence ?UK STUDIO

结 语


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