how to choose the best online marketing strategy

Marketing——Marketing Strategy

Niche Marketing 利基营销
This involves a business selling its product(s) in **all, often lucrative, segments of a market. It is the opposite strategy to mass marketing. Many **all businesses can identify unsatisfied consumer needs in a particular segment within a large industry, and they can develop products to meet these needs.
This allows the **all businesses to exist in industries that are dominated by large businesses (e.g. Classic FM in the radio broadcasting industry, SAGA in the holiday industry). However, if larger rivals appear within the niche market, the **aller businesses will often find it difficult to compete effectively with these well-resourced businesses.
It is also dangerous for a business to offer just one product within the market, since any larger rivals are likely to be more diversified and have a wider product portfolio. Theses larger businesses could, therefore, reduce their prices to such a low level that the **all business cannot compete profitably.
Nevertheless, during periods of economic growth and higher consumer spending, then niche markets can offer a very lucrative opportunity to many **all businesses to offer a personalised, high value-added service/Product.

The purpose of the extension strategy is to delay the decline stage of the lifecycle and produce extra sales and revenue for the business.

Marketing Model 营销模式
This is a framework for making marketing decisions in a scientific manner. It is derived from Frederick Taylor’s method of decision-making. The model has five stages:
Stage 1 – Set the marketing objective (normally based on the company’s objectives). For example, if the company’s main objective is growth, then a marketing objective may be to increase the number of markets in which it sells its products.
Stage 2 – Gather the data that will be needed to help make the decision. This will involve the extensive use of market research to gather qualitative and quantitative data concerning the market size, the market growth, customers’ perceptions of the company and its products, the competitors, etc.
Stage 3 – Form hypotheses, (theories and strategies about how best to achieve the objective). For example, a medium-sized UK manufacturer of shoes may start selling products in the lucrative North American market, or it may decide to concentrate on new segments of the UK market (e.g. sports-shoes).
Stage 4 – Test the hypotheses. Each hypothesis will be **ysed to see its potential profitability and the likelihood of success. This will be carried out through further market research, possibly by test marketing a product in a **all geographic area in order to assess its potential for success.
Stage 5 – Control and review the whole process. This involves implementing one of the hypotheses, via the marketing mix, and looking at its outcome (ie did it meet the objective? could it have been improved?). This will help the business to set future strategies and plans which will be achievable and realistic.
第一阶段 – 设定营销目标(通常基于公司的目标)。例如,如果公司的主要目标是增长,那么营销目标可能是增加其产品销售的市场数量。
第五阶段–控制和审查整个过程。这涉及到通过营销组合实施其中一个假设,并观察其结果(即它是否达到了目标?) 这将有助于企业制定可实现的、现实的未来战略和计划。


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