Motorola Phone Tools使用指南


As a world-famous internet telephony, I believe most of you are familiar with Skype. The most outstanding of it is its legible speech quality. We can make use of it to dial any telephone or mobile phone around the world. It wins the good graces among many foreigners. So how can we utilize Skype to develop customers.



A preliminary attempt on using Skype


After installing Skype, click Menu, Tools and search Skype users. You can try the following steps:


Know the abbreviations of your target customers (rather important), search to find it if you don’t know

本文作为举例,我们使用:缩写字符:MOTA 译名:摩托罗拉公司(美)

For example, we use MOTA as the abbreviation which is Motorola Inc (USA).

2、 搜索的时候,你可以选择国家;搜索结果出来后,你可以点用户名,让它排序,列出可能的联系方式。

When searching, you can choose countries. After the results are shown, you can rank the users names to list out the possible contacts


Beware! It’s impertinent to randomly add somebody unless you give a good reason.



Search customers on Skype


When searching with keywords, we should think of users’ psychological cognition. Think how your entitle yourself in Skype.


Take jewelry for an example, input Jewelry in the search bar. Then there will be lots of customers from different countries. Just add them except those from China. There will always be someone you manage to add. Then it’s for you to use your English. If you don’t have a good command for English, practice it.


Obviously, there are lots of different jewelries. We have got to reduce the range and search such as necklace, earing, barcelet, ring and so on. It’s more specific.

最后,加别人Skype的话要经常骚扰,和发邮件一样,加的多了也就熟了,不过很有可能被对方拉到黑名单里去,第一次加的口号可以是:Fashion and imitation jewelry supplier,第二次广告:Hello, my friend,第三次:This is xx, we have contacted by email。轰炸三次没效果的话可以休息了。

At last, we should frequently contact them just as we do when using emails. The more we contact, the more likely they get familiar with us. However, it’s likely for them to defriend us. We can use “Fashion and imitation jewelry supplier” as our first slogan. We can use “Hello,, my friend” as our second slogan. “This is xx, we have contacted by email” can be our third-time slogan. If they don’t work, you may just have a rest.



Do’s and don’ts when adding customers onSkype


Most of us think that we can just keep adding customers to our contact lists. It’s just like that we look for a needle in the ocean because generally people won’t accpept your invitations unless they are plagued with too much leisure.


It’s pretty rude and impolite to add contacts and force them to have telephone calls with you so I don’t recommend you to do that. That’s why many people just get a bunch of grap question marks even after they add lots of contacts. Special statement: The way we use is not definitely about to help us find customers. The reference point is that the contacts you add are willing to accept your invitations and become your contacts.

另外可以尝试迂回的方式,通过Skype搜索到客户资料后,再通过google查找到客户的网站及联系方式,之后email 联系,这样可以让很多不想被打扰的客户,有几率成为你的潜在客户。

Moreover, we can use circuitous ways to find our customers’ information on Skype and find customers’ websites and their contacts on Google. Afterwards, we can contact them on emails. In this way, we can make lots of customers who are not supposed to be disturbed become our potential customers



Customers adding and communication on Skype

Skype 找客户很容易,只要关键字搜索就OK了,可是搜索到以后怎么让他通过你的身份验证,顺利让你成为他Skype里的好友才是难解决的问题!

It’s easy for us to find customers on Skype because we can just search with keywords. The most intricate problem is how to get through the authentication and become one of their friends!

关键就在于提交好友申请,一定不停的变换提交语。你在找买家的时候你提交时可以试试用“Supplier”作提交语, 也可以用“hello”、“business”等等,都可以尝试一下,看那个提交语别人更容易接受。

The critical point is to submit friend requests. We must keep changing our words when submitting friend requests. You can use “Supplier” or “Hello”, “Business” and so on. You can have a try to see which word is more appropriate.


At the very beginning when you add the customer as your friend, it’s not recommended to reveal what products you are specialized in or they won’t care you. First of all, you can just have a self introduction. You can say like “I’m from China and I’m interested in your counry and its histroies as well as the cultures. Can we make a friend?” Anyhow, we know that they are in this industry so that we have no need to be anxious for success. We can chat with them step by step. If your customer becomes your friend, it’s time for you to say what products you are specialized in. I believe if they are in need of the products, they will take care of friends for sure.





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