Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success

Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
Menil Collection. Image ? D Jules Gianakos
The groundbreaking success of the Pompidou led Piano to a number of other museum commissions, including another of his most widely-praised works, the Menil Collection in Houston which opened in 1987. Today Renzo Piano is perhaps the world’s most prolific museum designer, but in his own practice, his designs became markedly different from the flamboyant structural display of the Centre Pompidou; he has instead become revered for his light designs and precise detailing (although many critics sensed the ghost of the Pompidou in his Whitney Museum of American Art, completed almost 40 years later). Piano refutes the idea that his work displays any single style, however, telling The Independent “I think it [‘style’] is a trap. But what I don’t hate is ‘intelligence’ or ‘coherence.’ Because coherence is not about shape, it is about something stronger, more humanistic, more poetic even.”
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. Image ? Nic Lehoux
In awarding him the 1998 Pritzker Prize, the jury praised Piano’s sensitivity but also his versatility, citing projects such as his Kansai Airport Terminal in Osaka as evidence that he was capable of more than just museums—a fact that would be reinforced in the decades to come with projects such as the Shard in London. The jury stated that “by choosing a career as an architect rather than contractor, he may have broken with a family tradition in one sense, but in fact, he has enhanced that tradition in ways his forebears could only have imagined.”
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
MUSE.? Shunji Ishida
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
California Academy of Sciences.? Tim Griffith
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
Centre Culturel Jean-Marie Tjibaou.? Flickr user bectrynes
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Centre.? Michel Denancé
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
Centro Botín.? Enrico Cano
Chris Gardner Inspirational Story of Success
Chateau La Coste Art Gallery.? Maurits Van der Staay


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