What is the Meaning of Denmark

外刊例句:The first indication of something amiss occurred as power went out in McGrane’s fire station.当 McGrane 的消防站停电时,出现了第一个不对劲的迹象。—Washington Post
Ms. Parmar, who trained as a journalist, said no special skills were needed to be a fact checker, except an eye for spotting what’s amiss.接受过记者培训的帕尔玛女士说,要成为一名事实核查员,不需要任何特殊技能,只需要有一双能发现问题的眼睛。—New York Times
A bit of harmony, a collective pulling ourselves out of this fug, wouldn’t go amiss at the moment.一点和谐,一个集体把我们自己从这种混乱中拉出来,此刻不会出错。—Washington Post
基本释意:adverbin an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manneradj. 有毛病的,有缺陷的;出差错的
短释义:When things are out of their proper places or not happening the way they should, we say they are amiss. Sherlock Holmes, like many sharp detectives, would quickly notice when something was amiss at a crime scene.当事情不在适当的位置或没有按应有的方式发生时,我们说它们不对劲。与许多敏锐的侦探一样,夏洛克·福尔摩斯会很快注意到犯罪现场有什么不对劲。
长释义:The word amiss can be used as an adverb, as in the sentence, “I spoke amiss.” Or you could use it as an adjective, as when you think something is wrong or missing — “Something in the room is amiss.” Either way, amiss refers to something that is wrong, off the mark, or “missed.” Once in a while, the word amiss can imply that something fishy or foul has taken place. In Hamlet, when Marcellus said, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark,” he might as well have said, “Something in Denmark is amiss.”amiss这个词可以用作副词,比如在“我说错了”这句话中。或者您可以将它用作形容词,例如当您认为有什么地方不对劲或缺失时——“房间里有些东西不对劲。”无论哪种方式,amiss 指的是错误的、不合时宜的或“遗漏”的事情。偶尔,amiss 这个词可能暗示发生了可疑或犯规的事情。在《哈姆雷特》中,当马塞勒斯说“丹麦有些东西腐烂了”时,他还不如说“丹麦有些东西不对劲”。
文学例句:And I were a maiden, As many one is, For all the gold in England I would not do amiss.而我是一个处女,就像许多人一样,即使在英格兰拥有所有的黄金,我也不会做错。—The Story of Music by Howard Goodall
I decided that nothing was amiss, but the very idea of the treasure still in the house made me jittery.我确定没有什么不对劲,但一想到宝藏还在屋子里,我就紧张不已。—Beyond the Bright Sea by Lauren Wolk
Martin made a quick tour of the attic to make sure nothing was amiss, and then joined everyone downstairs.马丁在阁楼上快速巡视了一圈,确保没有任何异常,然后加入了楼下的所有人。—The Underground Railroad: A Novel by Colson Whitehead
词源:amiss (adv.)mid-13c., amis “off the mark,” also “out of order,” literally “on the miss,” from a “in, on” (see a- (1)) missen “fail to hit” (see miss (v.)). From late 14c. as “improper, wrong, faulty;” to take (something) amiss originally (late 14c.) was “to miss the meaning of” (see mistake). Now it means “to misinterpret in a bad sense.”Related entries & more
下面是词源的翻译(机器翻译比较难翻,参考着看)amiss (adv.)mid-13c., amis “off the mark”,也就是“out of order”,字面意思是“on the miss”,来自“in, on”(见 a- (1)) missen “失败”击中”(见 miss (v.))。从 14 世纪末开始。作为“不适当的,错误的,错误的;” to take (something) amiss originally (14c.) 是“错过了”的意思(见错误)。现在它的意思是“从坏的意义上误解”。相关条目及更多
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