2020 Joe Biden Presidential Election Campaign


The US Congress certified Democrat Joe Biden’s presidential election victory with 306 Electoral College votes early Thursday morning, after supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol, halting the certification process for several hours.1月7日凌晨,美国国会确认民主D人乔·拜登赢得306张选举人票,在总统选举中获胜。此前,现任总统特朗普的支持者冲进国会大厦,导致确认程序中断数小时。
美国实行“选举人团(Electoral College)”的间接选举制度,共有538张选举人票。美国选民投票并不能直接选出总统,而是决定各州的选举人票归属哪位总统候选人(presidential candidate),最终获得至少270张选举人票的候选人胜出。
自19世纪80年代起,除缅因州和内布拉斯加州以外,其他各州都实行选举人票“赢者通吃”原则(”winner-take-all” basis)。也就是说,某位总统候选人如果赢得某个州大多数的选票,他就赢得了该州全部的选举人票(a state has all of its electors pledged to the presidential candidate who wins the most votes in that state)。
缅因州和内布拉斯加州采用“国会选区法(congressional district method)”选出选举人(elector),每个国会选区(congressional district)选出一位赢得多数票的选举人,其余两名选举人则在全州范围内投票选出(statewide popular vote)。这些选举人支持的可能是不同的总统候选人,所以,在这两个州,总统候选人们都有可能获得一些属于自己的选举人票。
Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out, nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th.
这里的bear out是个固定短语,表示“支持(某人的)观点、论点;证明(某人)是对的”,常用的搭配是bear someone out或bear out claims,比如:Recent studies have borne out claims that perfumes can cause psychological changes.(近期研究证明,香水能够引起心理变化这些论点是正确的)。
Four people died on the US Capitol grounds and at least 52 people had been arrested by Wednesday night, according to US media reports.据美国媒体报道,事件中有4人在国会大厦死亡,截至当地时间1月6日晚,至少52人被逮捕。

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser declared a citywide curfew from 6 pm on Wednesday to 6 am on Thursday.华盛顿特区市长穆里尔·鲍泽宣布从1月6日18点至1月7日6点实行全市宵禁。
The Army activated the entire District of Columbia National Guard in response to a request from Bowser. The nearby states of Maryland and Virginia said they were sending additional National Guard troops and state police to help police struggling with the protesters.应鲍泽要求,美国军方调动了华盛顿特区所有的国民警卫队力量。周边的马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州表示,将派出更多国民警卫队力量和州xx队伍协助华盛顿特区警方应对**者。
Also on Wednesday, Democrat Jon Ossoff defeated Republican incumbent David Perdue in the Georgia runoff, giving Democrats control of the US Senate.同样在1月6日,民主D人乔恩·奥索夫在佐治亚参议员选举中击败了共和D现任参议员大卫·珀杜,使民主D获得参议院控制权。
Ossoff’s victory came after the win on Tuesday by Raphael Warnock over incumbent Senator Kelly Loeffler to become Georgia’s first black senator.此前,民主D人拉斐尔·沃尔纳克在1月5日击败现任共和D参议员凯利·洛夫勒,成为佐治亚州的第一位非裔参议员。
权力交接 power transition
就职典礼 inauguration ceremony
选举人团 Electoral College
众议院 the House of Representatives
参议院 the Senate
联邦体制 federal system
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)


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